
  • Want to know more about the effective and exclusive feedings, latching, ideal positionings, and milk production guidance for your newborn baby?

  • You are pregnant and wish to have a natural birth and prepare yourself for joyous breastfeeding after birth?

  • You are a new mom and confused about offering baby foods and dont know about daily baby's adequate nutrion intake?

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What We Do ?

We help with Most Common Breastfeeding problems and their solutions at "The Brest Room" 

Sore Nipples

Breast Refusal

Breast-Milk Supply

Hand Express Milk

Correct Breastfeeding Postures

Alternate Methods of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding & Alcohol

Nursing Essentials

Breastfeeding in Public

Breastfeeding Twins & Triplets

How to be prepared of breastfeeding in Pregnancy

Painful Breastfeeding

Painful Breastfeeding

How to Use the Breast Pump

Engorgement and Clogged Duct

Pregnancy and Nursing Meal Plans

Breastfeeding Readiness at Pregnancy

How to add varities month on month

How to introduce solids

When to wean off baby

Bottle vs Breastfeeding

Our Programs


Mothering the Mother

Program for Pregnant Mothers

One to one guidance to prepare the mother for joyous birth and breastfeeding, postbirth and nourishing her nutritionally prenatally.

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The Brest Room

Program for New Parents with Lactating and Breastfeeding

Ideal ways to exclusively breastfeed the baby and a supervised breastfeeding guidance to a new mother until her vulnerable first forty days and enhancing her milk production.

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New Parents with babies of six months and onwards

Specially planned for first time mothers to prepare solid foods confidently to add nutritious varities including the essential nutrients for childs optimal growth at every stage from 6 months to 12 months.

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    About Deepti Arora

    Play Video about Deepti Arora Lactation Consultant

    She makes new mothers happy by supporting them to enjoy good health and have successful fulfilling careers after childbirth.

    She runs programs for pregnant and nursing mothers to be empowered about how to be nutritionally nourished before and after childbirth. She has a complete breastfeeding manual a structured framework for feeding babies from six months to the baby’s first birthday.

    Deliver Delights’s new mothers resume back to work with emotional, physical, and mental strength and enjoy family meals without any stress or guilt. We are a great team of passionate breastfeeding-friendly Gyneas and Pediatricians, Deliver Delights empathic & warming mentors who empower new families to be happy and enjoy good health from pregnancy to one year.

    Deepti is a certified ALPI Lactation Professional, Maternal Mental Health Care Professional, Infant Nutritionist, and a Natural Birth Promoter.

    Know more about me

    Your simple guide To

    Joyous breastfeeding, Baby Nutrition and healing Postparum

    Contact us

    We would love to hear from you
    The Brest Room is a Lactation Specialty center, where we support our new families in
    • Pregnancy : prepare them for natural birth, breatfeeding and pregnancy nutrition
    • Lactation : Support them in establishing breastfeeding and hand hold them for three months until they breastfeed joyously and exclusively
    • Baby Nutrition : Guide them in introducing baby foods confidently. They recieve weekly nutritious rich meal plans along with recipes
    • Postpartum: support new moms with healing sessions to regain, restore and rejuvenate their inner strength

    At Clinic Availability

    Monday17:00 Hours to 19 :00 Hours
    Tuesday13:00 Hours to 15:00 Hours17:00 Hours to 19 :00 Hours
    Wednesday12:30 Hours to 15:00 Hours17:00 Hours to 19 :00 Hours
    Thursday12:00 Hours to 15:00 Hour16:00 Hours to 18 :00 Hours
    Friday12:00 Hours to 15:00 Hour17:00 Hours to 19 :00 Hours
    Saturday12:00 Hours to 15:00 Hour17:00 Hours to 19 :00 Hours
    Sunday12:30 Hours to 13:00 Hours
    Video , in-person & home-visit consults are available from Monday to Sunday Phone No. : 9810282445  Email: deliverdelights@gmail.com

    Client reviews


    Introducing on high demand by breastfeeding moms

    Enhance your milk production naturally with nourishing and milk boosting food & without any medicines. 

    Experience freedom from pastpartum hamorraghe, cluster feeding pahase, low milk production and growth spurts phase. Balance the milk production and exclusively breastfeed your baby as long as you wish

    Request Your Postpartum Meal Plan at INR 1500/-

    Deliver Delights's Postpartum Meals are rich in Iron, Calcium, B12, Zinc, Vitamin D supporting new mothers to have the traditional, homemade and nutritious food at the recovery phase after childbirth to rejuvenate themselves with ease and grace
    I want a postpartum diet plan


    How much milk is enough for my baby?
    DA – Totally depends on the age of the baby. A newborn needs 2-10ml for the first 24 hrs, 5-15ml for next 48 hrs, and 15-30 ml for next 72 hrs, and 30-60ml for next 96 hrs.
    My newborn is not gaining weight?
    DA- Babies miss on consuming calories in breast milk if the positioning is not correct and the baby is not latching ideally. Working on ideal positioning and latching with full areola in mouth and feeding the baby for 20 mins could help the baby gain weight eventually.
    How can I increase my milk production?
    DA- By shedding all the stress and taking extra doses of oxytocin. Anxiety impacts breast milk production drastically. Maternal diet boosts milk production when done with frequent hand expression and pumping during the day
    How do I handle my low milk supply issues?
    DA – Low milk supply can be for many reasons. In general, low milk supply can be boosted by a healthy maternal diet and frequent feeding by putting the baby skin to skin many times a day.
    How do I use a breast pump?
    DA- Pumping done before feeding and after direct feeding helps in stimulation of the breasts. Pumping can be done 3-4 times along with direct breastfeeding during the day for minimum 10 mins, 3-4 times a day.
    How do I maintain my milk supply when resuming to work
    DA- Pumping, storing and direct feeding will be your strategy to maintain your milk supply when resuming work.
    How do I train my baby for night sleep and breastfeed?
    DA – Feed little babies on demand including night, for minimum 3-4 times. You can also express milk to save your own energy at night.
    What are breastfeeding friendly meals?
    DA – Milk boosting meals are, dalia with dates, oatmeals, golden milk, lactation teas.
    Can I relactate and breastfeed an adopted baby?
    DA- Yes surely, you can.
    Helping a baby with breastfeeding who has a c section?
    DA- Ensure the baby is in touch with mother’s bare skin many times a day and learn self-attachment. Ideal breastfeeding positions (laid -back) will help the mother to feed the baby more comfortably.
    How can a father be supportive in exclusive breastfeeding?
    DA- Father can be supportive to a new mom by holding the baby skin to skin many times a day. By doing this, he will be establishing not only the bonding but also helping the mother to rest while the baby is with the father.
    How do I relieve soreness, and engorgement while feeding?
    DA- Frequently emptying the breasts during the day by hand expressions, and direct feedings on baby demand. Massaging your breasts before every feed will help in avoiding any soreness and engorgements.
    What is the ideal position to feed a baby?
    DA- Whatever suits best to the mom and baby is the best position. Few most successful positions are cradle hold, cross cradle, side lying hold and football hold.
    What could I give to my baby at 6/7/8/9/10/11/12 months?
    For 6 months babies- breastfeeding and pureed baby food will be ideal. From 7 months till 12 months, transitional food that includes chunkier foods, finger foods and moving to family foods by 12 months will be most preferred for young children.
    My baby gags, what do I do?
    DA- Gag is normal, be cautious of choking while offering food to little babies.
    How do I lose weight after birth?
    DA – Don’t diet for the first forty days. That’s the time for rest and restoration. Exclusive Breastfeeding helps in making your uterus contract and you can get back to your ideal weight slowly.
    Will you be available after my baby birth virtually and help me to initiate my first feed?
    DA – Yes, surely. I will be with the mother from day one of the birth, ensuring exclusive breastfeeding within the first few hours of birth. We also empower our mothers before birth in our prenatal program and continue to be with them for forty days of postpartum, supporting them in their slow and healing restoration and making sure they establish breastfeeding joyously which helps the baby to grow optimally.
    Will you give me infant schedules and feeding plans?
    DA – Yes surely. Infant feeding plans, pumping schedules and nourishing baby meal plans starting from 6 months to 1 year, a new parent will be supported every day.