Babies, Toddlers

How I Raised a Picky Eater? What Transformational Happened?

How I Raised a Picky Eater? What Transformational happened?

So, the story started, 18 years back…

There she was, home after 3 hours away from me. She put on her favorite Oswald and instantly was glued to it. This was the cue for me to feed my picky eater anything I wanted. Because she would eat anything in her tv trance. That was my raising method. I was new  & I  didn’t know any other way to feed the child happily. But my soul was gutted. This is not how I ever dreamt of feeding my baby. I have never thought of that eating would be a task for me. 

I wanted to see her happy, healthy and enjoying her food. Asking for her seconds. Eating mindfully. Being nourished in mind and body.  Instead, here I was living with the crushing guilt of not being a good mom because I just couldn’t figure out how to make her love food…& the MINDSET

The mantras or affirmations (either consciously or unconsciously) I was  repeating to myself and & it was contributing  to my restlessness? I was focusing on lack. 

I was obsessed with food. I was afraid of offering her food and being rejected once again. I was tired of being cheated by fake recipes, cooks, experts, and doctors. 

Will I be Free ever? 

Above all, the social pressure of not having a child who eats healthy food and eats 3 square meals without bribing or the threat of punishment was making me crazy. 

I loved my child more than anything in the world and I was an awesome cook but I couldn’t figure out how to feed my child without an everyday battle. It hurt. 

But it all Shifted, when I brought love to my table.

I have been repeating affirmations to myself about the kind of mealtimes I wished for. The journey unfolded in an unexpected way. 

I took charge of making mealtimes the dream experience that I wanted and my world changed.

Nourishing mindset was my ONE thing.

I was able to manifest my biggest wish, having my child eat healthy food.  My journey was transformative, and that compassion based affirmations  empowered me  to experience and embrace my feeding  journey without judgement.

No more picky-eating wars! YAY !!

That’s not enough. I happily settled with my kids, yes gave birth to a baby foodie after 5 years of battling aka joyful motherhood. And guess what?

I started my own dream business of offering healthiest and kid friendly meals to a school where 2 year oldies wiped their lunches and I got overwhelmed with the love and warmth of their parents. Picky eating was erased totally.  Then I realized, the world needs more. Mothers were battling with picky eating  at mealtimes and wanted freedom from the daily rejections, angers and upsets. I want to help. 

That’s how I created my 1:1 program  for parents with kids of all ages to assist them with nourishment, joy, fulfillment, peace and Freedom. I have learnt with struggle, but I want it for you with ease. It’s a breeze which will soothe you the moment you connect to your nourishing mindset.

If my story is yours &  you want to eliminate the daily battles from  your life, then let’s chat. 

Don’t you want Nourishment for your family? 

Do you resonate with the years I have spent & wish to transform the methodology to raise a happy  & nourishing child, we are of course a good fit to chat more on this. Picky eating is not an illness but contributes to a sick environment, sluggish behaviors, slow growths, and unhealthy eating habits. I truly understand that you surely want to avoid picky eating before it even starts at your home. 

You can Get my 12+ mamamade kid-friendly nutrition loaded ebook for FREE now. Perfect for Toddlers and Older Children. Make your mealtimes enjoyable. Add new foods without any confusion

Also, I have a special engagement program for you, no matter you are a mother of a baby or a toddler, you will be cared. Ask me for all the details how Picky eating can be transformational for you for lifetime. 

Happy Eating & Feeding !!

Much Love,
